

Nâgasena 2
> chori(e): the ganglia wilt of floating eyeballs > Chori (e): le flétrissement ganglions de globes oculaires flottants
> chori(e): hyperdystrophied accordion legs > Chori (e): jambes accordéon hyperdystrophied
> chori(e): lesion blur the nodule twitchy thigh fungal absidia > Chori (e): flou lésion de la cuisse Absidia nodule crispé fongique
> ole > Ole
> chori(e): rhizopus! > Chori (e): chevelue!
> chori(e): borubadu, the absentia of cuffs and... > Chori (e): borubadu, la contumace poignets et ...
> chori(e): mortierella mucor jello > Chori (e): Mortierella mucor jello
> chori(e): flush > Chori (e): rincer
> chori(e): squeaks > Chori (e): grincements
> chori(e): butty lump oh fission scale of bubbly fleshy coarse > Chori (e): butty échelle de fission forfaitaire oh de champagne brut charnu

> corpse pustule Pustule cadavre>
> chori(e): neon horizon, three-legged deers, their squeaks > Chori (e): horizon néon, à trois pattes cerfs, les grincements
> chori(e): hypnerostamalgia > Chori (e): hypnerostamalgia
> chori(e): algae placating the cyanobacterial sisyphus, his medea screaming > Chori (e): algues apaiser la sisyphus cyanobactéries, son medea crier
> chori(e): from chelitis mouth the laetrile lung of rubored > Chori (e): chelitis de la bouche du poumon laetrile de rubored
> skin > Peau
> chori(e): so smooth, "erotic" > Chori (e): si lisse, "érotique"
> chori(e): macrophage > Chori (e): macrophage
> chori(e): cleft kiss > Chori (e): baiser fente
> chori(e): the swallowing of something pus-like > Chori (e): l'ingestion de quelque chose ressemblant à du pus

> chori(e): zoopsia > Chori (e): zoopsia
> chori(e): claustrodamalia intermucosae > Chori (e): claustrodamalia intermucosae
> chori(e): sacral plexus rot > Chori (e): plexus sacré pourriture
> chori(e): seeing animals > Chori (e): animaux voient
> chori(e): not quite a bleat > Chori (e): pas tout à fait un bêlement
> chori(e): boise de rose moo > Chori (e): boise de rose moo
> chori(e): the pelvic bowl isolated > Chori (e): le bol pelvienne isolée
> chori(e): a murmur, plague goo orang tea sandwitch carburator > Chori (e): un murmure, la peste goo orang thé sandwitch carburateur
> chori(e): these same plesiosaur mamlids > Chori (e): mamlids ces mêmes plésiosaure
> chori(e): relatives > Chori (e): parents
> chori(e): girlfriends > Chori (e): copines
> chori(e): bloody your face > Chori (e): bloody votre visage

> chori(e): oh gothic dime novel > Chori (e): roman gothique oh sou
> chori(e): ascerbic touch the night escape > Chori (e): contact acerbe l'évasion nuit
> chori(e): nerves wired the pelt > Chori (e): nerfs câblé de la peau
> chori(e): lemon drop, the ambipelagic mump-morph squeaks again (deer?) > Chori (e): baisse de citron, le ambipelagic oreillons-morph grince à nouveau (cerf?)
> chori(e): uric rice and burning > Chori (e): riz urique et la gravure
> chori(e): burning dear pelt > Chori (e): sensation de brûlure cher fourrure
> chori(e): pelt > Chori (e): peau
> chori(e): pelt > Chori (e): peau
> chori(e): novel regurgitation... > Chori (e): régurgitation roman ... orea orea
> chori(e): outside influence cheese grater dearie donor organ > Chori (e): hors du fromage râpe influence donneur d'organes chérie
> threefold > Triple

> chori(e): godhead bleat > Chori (e): bêler divinité
> chori(e): le lame of goad > Chori (e): le boiteux de l'aiguillon
> chori(e): ankhor die > Chori (e): ankhor meurent
> chori(e): black mammoth anal crust > Chori (e): noir anal croûte mammouth
> chori(e): the anal sigh > Chori (e): le soupir anale
> chori(e): the bleater unable to take his trickster ass seriously > Chori (e): le bleater incapable de prendre au sérieux son cul trickster
> chori(e): caged meat du jour flex entasial metaphysics > Chori (e): viande cage du Jour métaphysique flex entasial
> farflung cunt > Farflung chatte
> chori(e): tarsal micturative borobouros > Chori (e): tarse borobouros micturative
> chori(e): the wry eye furiatingly flinches vernal trance > Chori (e): l'œil narquois sursaute furiatingly transe printemps

> chori(e): gluofidia, cleomystra > Chori (e): gluofidia, cleomystra
> chori(e): ray > Chori (e): ray
> chori(e): ray ray, flinching vernality > Chori (e): ray ray, vernality broncher
> chori(e): tautoclimes > Chori (e): tautoclimes
> chori(e): worn slippers > Chori (e): pantoufles usées
> chori(e): calipash moist catgut raw gangrene bean > Chori (e): calipash humide catgut première gangrène haricots
> chori(e): the kid with 6 toes > Chori (e): le gamin de 6 pieds
> chori(e): serimyalkids > Chori (e): serimyalkids
> chori(e): crimes of haar bait > Chori (e): crimes d'appâts haar
> chori(e): hotbed > Chori (e): foyer
> chori(e): humanoid > Chori (e): humanoïde

> chori(e): ebola eyes, the youngin' bonsai boy > Chori (e): ebola yeux, le garçon youngin «bonsaï
> chori(e): borzoi, the howl bowling under > Chori (e): Barzoï, le bowling hurler sous
> chori(e): balsamia > Chori (e): balsamia
> chori(e): tree-shit, hormiguense > Chori (e): tree-merde, hormiguense
> chori(e): fasces achillenses > Chori (e): achillenses fasces
> chori(e): japonica tit > Chori (e): japonica tit
> chori(e): geishal myopia > Chori (e): myopie geishal
> chori(e): the sexing up of orangutan myocardials > Chori (e): le sexage de myocardials orang-outan
> chori(e): jato flung the kagu guano spot > Chori (e): jato jeta place Kagu guano
> chori(e): fallow book of leaves, rape notes on gengko, susanowooenterestopia > Chori (e): réservez en jachère des feuilles, des notes de viol sur gengko, susanowooenterestopia
> chori(e): drone the gecko > Chori (e): drone le gecko