Hello i'm Dick. i'm 42 unfortunately i went to a football match when i was the stadium was very full an someone got a knife out of there pocket and chopped my penis off my life has changed dramatically but lukily for me my nan gave me hers and i glued it on , and to this day i have a wonky cock thanks for listening
Even someone cursed with a diminutive dick needs to find satisfaction somewhere. I hope you and Billy Bob will be very happy together.
I fucked ma hamster last nite he sucked me off an i luved it! HIS NAME IS

Sexual Confession # 1393
again my rapist died in prison. It did profoundly change my life. and only blamed myself in the beginning. Quickly understood was not any of my fault. Though never danced on his grave. As he was cremated by the state and canned in a tin. Placed on a shelf at the prison.
I will fuck at least five relatives over Christmas. Emmie is a virgin andthis will be her first time to join in the Christmas fuck-fest. She's really looking forward to it and I'm hoping to be her first. Its all part of the after-dinner games and after presents have been exchanged.
I like watching late night television.....

Sexual Confession # 1262
Boy babies get erections while still in the womb,and if you can get an erection you can fuck.
I personally know of a 4 year old fucking his mother. she may not feel much because of the size of his cock but t will be pleasureable for her because of the intimitacy.
Dog sex is against the law too, so I hear, but i have knowed of lots o fulks who did it, and with other animals too. i think that is a stupid law! sure don't hurt the animal none! lots of animals love to fuck you, they wanting it about as much, if not more, than you.

Sexual Confession # 1190
I just love to hear more about your k9 sex, I myself have been fucking dogs for 21 years now and have had 10 dogs over that time, that has had full sex with me.
I love it when they cum, as its so hot and so much its just running down your legs.
I'm beverlys boss she is the office whore.She is fucked 8 hrs a day 6 days a week and wants more.
I fucked my mom several times when I was in my teens. She was always kind of unstable, as am I. I guess I may have inherited it from her, or she passed it on somehow. I enjoyed fucking her, but I think in the long run it hurt mesome. Maybe it was worth it. Who knows?

Sexual Confession # 1174
I love crack whores!!! Any here can call me 386-623-3239 i have a creamy piebetween my sexy thighsi love to have it eaten by a gal, a dog, or a guy! i'll go down upon you gents cuz have have but litte sense i knows i really should not but in time i may repents! i am a naughty whore fucking - i wants more but that's enough now for i'm probly bein a bore!

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