At eleven o'clock they passed into the women's quarters where the eight young sultanas appeared naked, and in this state served chocolate, aided and directed by Marie and Louison, who presided over this seraglio

Hébé and Colombe were found to have lapsed, their punishment was pronounced at once and fixed for the following Saturday at orgy hour. They wept. No one was moved.

They proceeded to the boys' apartments. The four who had not appeared that morning, namely Cupidon, Céladon, Hyacinthe and Giton, bared their behinds in accordance with orders, and the sight provided an instant's amusement

Spirits rose little by little; the fuckers, whom the friends had granted every liberty with their wives, treated them somewhat untender

2 commentaires:
Bonjour; je suis en terminale art appliquée et je pensais mettre vos photos dans un sujet d'art appliqué, concernant les monstres verts mais il me faudrait le nom de l'artiste.
En esperant une réponse; Cordialement.
Pas de problème suckie, tu peux mettre mes photos ou tu veux, même dans ta p'tite culotte pour la décorer si ça te chante; concernant le LSD, c'est vrai que les monstres verts sont pas mal, de là à en faire un sujet d'art, c'est autre-chose...
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